About us
Crystal Computers provides end-to-end business services - ranging from consultation and network solutions to communications and online systems. We specialise in making IT issues crystal clear for business. We deliver our services for 25 years and we cover great munster area. We offer full service and maintenance solutions to fit all any size of business. We sell, supply and support major brands of PCs and Laptops - for home, office and students. Need help with your computer? See our Repair Centre for support options.
Our Services

Computer Sales
Sales with customer care. We sell and deliver ready to use pre-setup computers with optimised performance and system startup.

Repair & Maintenance
In our workshop we provide professional repair solutions and computer maintenance to make your system work again like out of the box.

Accounting Systems
We specialise in account systems for small and medium businesses, we deliver account packages with training and full support.

Network Solutions
We install and support business network systems, crystal clear network solutions with optmised network configuration.

Remote Support
We provide online desktop remote technical support, system setup configuration and we resolve related customer system issues.

Cloud Backup
With an online backup your important data is transmitted over the Internet and securely stored on a server in a professional data center.